Article Marketing is one of the most powerful tools your have available to you as an affiliate marketer or even a network marketer. Article sites can be used not only for generate massive traffic and leads for your business but also for recruiting new people for your specific network marketing opportunity.
In this video Matthew Neer is going to show you the basics of how to use Article Marketing to your advantage to start generating a TON of leads, traffic, and sales for your business. He will be covering how to setup articles to look good within Hub Pages, how to use images in your writing, how Adsense gets incorporated into the mix, a few SEO strategies that will get your article ranked on the front page of Google and much more.
Patrick Schwerdtfeger discusses article marketing and how you can get a ton of one-way inbound links as well as some great online branding by writing articles and publishing them on platforms like iSnare and EzineArticles. Publishing articles online is one of the best ways to build a name for yourself and gain a reputation for being an expert in your field.
Patrick is the author of Webify Your Business Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed (2009) as well as Make Yourself Useful Marketing in the 21st Century (2008). He is also the creator of the Social Media Victories Real Businesses, Real Campaigns, Real Results 6-DVD marketing program.
This video is about online branding and building website traffic. By writing insightful and educational articles and publishing them on websites like iSnare and EzineArticles, you can become a recognized expert in your field and get a ton of inbound links from high traffic article directories. Aside from that, you’ll get a long list of listings on the search engines, all of which positions you as an expert in your industry..
Patrick is a sought-after professional speaker who has spoken in Canada, the United States, Europe and South America. He speaks about leadership on todays social internet, small business marketing and the opportunities of our changing information economy. Call 510-282-4115 to inquire about speaking fees and scheduling.
Patrick is the founder of Tactical Execution, an marketing agency and consultancy offering online marketing, internet marketing, online branding and social media marketing services.
He is the organizer of the Entrepreneur & Small Business Academy, a 1500+ member business club sponsored by American Express. The group provides an educational forum for local entrepreneurs to share contacts and expertise.
Entrepreneur & Small Business Academy
Berkeley, CA 3,729Entrepreneurs
Welcome to one of the 50 largest entrepreneur groups in the country! You do NOT need to live in the San Francisco Bay Area to join our club. We record our meetings and publi…