If it were possible to avoid suffering, most of us would. In this world, however, adversity is unavoidable. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing! The way we face challenges reveals a lot about our faith. Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.
***Download the series at http://tfl.org/works1 Video Rating: / 5
https://spencercoffman.com/article-marketing/ Using article marketing to get traffic to your website can be a lot of work. You have to write articles, rewrite articles, put links in them, but not too many links, submit them to directories, share them on social media, and hope that people not only read them but also click the links and then buy something from your site. Wow!
You may wonder whether or not it is even worth all of the trouble. After all, it isn’t easy to write articles, and doing all of that work simply hoping that people will click on the link and arrive on your site doesn’t seem very promising…
Click the link to read the blog article for more details!
Using articles to help market your website is a great way to boost your SEO and page rank. Check out this video to see why.
If you have any questions about this video be sure to read the blog article. If you still have questions after that, then I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! In addition, we have lots more videos coming out so please subscribe to the channel to continue receiving great content!
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http://bootcamp.residualincomeforfreedom.net/ Article Marketing
A Good Article Marketing Strategy
A good article marketing strategy involves the creation or sharing of high value content for the purposes of engaging current and potential consumers bases with the goal of driving profitable consumer action.
00:10 Article Marketing – Content is King
00:50 Good Article Marketing – Attract your perfect prospect
02:00 Article Marketing Strategy – What are your prospects searching for
03:18 Good Article Marketing Strategy – keyword optimized content
To find a good Article Marketing Strategy
CLICK HERE NOW for a FREE 5 Day Attraction Marketing Bootcamp
The key is to focus on the wants and needs of the consumer – your perfect prospect – the person most likely to buy whatever it is you are promoting once they discover it exists. Think problem/solution selling.
Meaning you want to research the market to find out exactly what problems or challenges or desires your best prospects have NOW – then produce content that promised do solve their problem or simply their challenges or guide them directly toward getting their desires filled.
Meet them where they are – give them what they want – offer value first and foremost and your profits will certainly follow.
What are your prospects searching for?
Did you know there are free keyword research tools that will not only tell you the exact words and phrases people are actually typing into the search engine – they also tell you how many people are searching each and every month.
For example… 22,000 people actively search for “article marketing” and “what is article marketing” each and every month on Google – which is probably why you are watching this video right now – BECAUSE you were curious article marketing yourself and wanted to learn more.
So, by now, you are starting to see exactly what you need to do to execute an effective article marketing strategy online in order to instant drive more traffic, leads and sales through your marketing funnel. Powerful stuff here.
So are you ready to make incredible things happen? Sign up below here and get free access to our article marketing, attraction marketing bootcamp where you will discover exactly what to do and how to do it to start executing a well-planned article marketing strategy for more traffic, leads and sales. I’ll see you on the inside.
Discover How to Generate MLM Leads on Demand, Put Thousands in Your Pockets, and Build Your Network Marketing Business on the Fast Track…
http://GregAndFionaScott.com More internet marketing tips. If you write a lot of articles then you’ll eventually run out of articles ideas. Try this quick little tip to give you a ton of ideas!
Article Marketing is one of the best ways to promote clickbank products. It is one of the surefire ways to get you REAL Results.
If you want to become a PRO at writing money making articles without knowing anything about writing, then click the link given below and get started today!
Click Here: https://bit.ly/2zYOPRa
To GET Instant Access To The Complete Step-By-Step Training On Clickbank Income! Video Rating: / 5
Free tryout Article Marketing Robot here http://tinyurl.com/getamr
Hello. Today I would like to review about Article Marketing Robot software. If you still don’t know what the heck Article Marketing Robot is or also known as AMR, I can explain it to you. Article Marketing Robot is a article submitter that helps you finish your job faster. Why I said it fast? Very fast indeed.
I can register and confirm email of 3000 accounts at Article Directory about 30minutes only. After that, submission task just take 20 minutes to 3000 article directory. More it got built in article spinner that make your article unique in seconds ! If you compare this software with Article Demon software, I would rate AMR for 10/10 while Article Demon software 7/10.
The best features that I like is I can add more article directory site. I just scrape the article directory URL site from Scrapebox and load it on AMR. SENUKE cannot beat this ! Because I cannot add my own list of AD. It is possible with AMR. Other AMR features is DECAPTCHA, database import export, confirm/delete email.
Article Marketing Robot is a completely automated backlink building tool to help drive your website to the top of the search engine rankings. I have use AMR on several of my site and it works like charm. From page 3 on Google, bhammm…Page 1 ! I mixed it with other backlink and then it go to top 5 spot. Sweetttt… Rapid increase of sales on my Amazon niche site and clickbank niche site thought it just 3-4 spot on Google page one, it’s really makes different. What can I say more, you should try yourself ! Article Marketing Robot rocks !!!
Try today for free http://tinyurl.com/getamr
Article marketing in Simple English – Created by Rapid Learning Life.
Simple explanation of Article marketing without the complications and information overload Covers history and rise of article marketings
Great for people just getting to know Social Media Marketing.
Article Marketing is one of the most powerful tools your have available to you as an affiliate marketer or even a network marketer. Article sites can be used not only for generate massive traffic and leads for your business but also for recruiting new people for your specific network marketing opportunity.
In this video Matthew Neer is going to show you the basics of how to use Article Marketing to your advantage to start generating a TON of leads, traffic, and sales for your business. He will be covering how to setup articles to look good within Hub Pages, how to use images in your writing, how Adsense gets incorporated into the mix, a few SEO strategies that will get your article ranked on the front page of Google and much more.
Patrick Schwerdtfeger discusses article marketing and how you can get a ton of one-way inbound links as well as some great online branding by writing articles and publishing them on platforms like iSnare and EzineArticles. Publishing articles online is one of the best ways to build a name for yourself and gain a reputation for being an expert in your field.
Patrick is the author of Webify Your Business Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed (2009) as well as Make Yourself Useful Marketing in the 21st Century (2008). He is also the creator of the Social Media Victories Real Businesses, Real Campaigns, Real Results 6-DVD marketing program.
This video is about online branding and building website traffic. By writing insightful and educational articles and publishing them on websites like iSnare and EzineArticles, you can become a recognized expert in your field and get a ton of inbound links from high traffic article directories. Aside from that, you’ll get a long list of listings on the search engines, all of which positions you as an expert in your industry..
Patrick is a sought-after professional speaker who has spoken in Canada, the United States, Europe and South America. He speaks about leadership on todays social internet, small business marketing and the opportunities of our changing information economy. Call 510-282-4115 to inquire about speaking fees and scheduling.
Patrick is the founder of Tactical Execution, an marketing agency and consultancy offering online marketing, internet marketing, online branding and social media marketing services.
He is the organizer of the Entrepreneur & Small Business Academy, a 1500+ member business club sponsored by American Express. The group provides an educational forum for local entrepreneurs to share contacts and expertise.
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Welcome to one of the 50 largest entrepreneur groups in the country! You do NOT need to live in the San Francisco Bay Area to join our club. We record our meetings and publi…
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Source: Wikipedia.org article, adapted under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ license.
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Article marketing is a type of advertising in which companies write and distribute short articles to a range of outlets such as article banks, forums, and newsletter publishers. Its main purpose is to gain a huge number of online audiences and boost the number of sales opportunities for products or services on websites. It is one of the most successful types of marketing a business can do. This old type of marketing strategy can help marketers acquire new visitors and increase sales on their websites. Article marketing is also one of the least costly ways to market a company.
There are many advantages in using article marketing such as:
Increasing brand awareness – a company can use this marketing strategy to establish a good relationship with their readers, which they can convert into consumers if the company’s articles are useful enough for their readers.
Increase in page rank and SEO – an advantage of article marketing is that if the articles are good enough, their search results will get higher ranks. This results to the company’s whole website to get a higher rank since those articles have backlinks to the website.
Free way to make money – by doing article marketing, the company will not have to spend money to advertise. They would only need to spend their time and effort in making sure that they write great articles for their customers to read.
Articles may go viral – if a company writes a great article, it may become viral and they would get a lot of readers and their site traffic would increase as well. An article going viral can create a lot of advantages for the company in the long run.
If there are advantages in using article marketing, there would also be some disadvantages to it, which are the following:
Stolen content – if a company uses article marketing, they publish their article to another website. Some editors may omit the company’s resource box, which makes the whole article marketing useless for the company. The company may not get the credit and site traffic that they deserve.
Can be expensive – a company might need a ghost writer to help them write a great article that would lead customers into their website. Hiring a freelancer can cost the company some money especially if they want to hire a really good one.
Time-consuming – the process of presenting articles to distributors can be time-consuming. The company needs to plan to present new articles regularly and make time to write and submit those articles on time.
Article marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. A business provides content to a newspaper, possibly on a timely topic such as an article on tax audits during tax season, and the newspaper may use the article and include the business’s name and contact information. Newspapers and other traditional media have limited budgets for gathering content and these articles may be used in the business section of the newspaper.
Traditional article marketing is advertising a company’s article through the use of magazines, newspapers and any print media. (Daniels, 2013). This way of marketing has been going on for a really long time but it is still very much useful and still in style to this day. It still produces results to offline establishments.
The method of doing the traditional article marketing is very straightforward. The company will choose a print media business they want to work with and discuss the conditions of the article they want to produce. Once the article has been written, the print media will then print and publish it. Both companies will benefit from this project. The print media company will have content to print and the business will gain exposure for their products and/or services. (Ekanem, 2015).