Slot machine
Lower Bet
Sept 2019 Video Rating: / 5
Playing a fully restored Watling Rol A Top slot machine. This is a scarce and desirable ORIGINAL 50c denomination! Yes – an actual half-dollar Watling Rol A Top. 100% mechanical with a 100% original mechanism (including New-Old-Stock reel strips). This machine is available for purchase – please contact me if you are looking to purchase or sell coin operated gambling and mechanical music machines.
Tutorial video on how to play street dice,, play in your school and on the streets Video Rating: / 5
Learn how to play ten (10), a classic dice game supposedly played by the Roman centurions gambling for the garments of Jesus, in this free how-to video on playing dice games for fun.
Expert: Carlos Ramos Jr.
Bio: Carlos Ramos has been youth recreation supervisor for over 6 years.
Filmmaker: Carlos Ramos Video Rating: / 5
If you have concerns with gambling, there is help available:
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline
For additional resources and more information about this video, please go to:
Music by Ross Burgden:
Dawn –
The Most Beautiful Day – Video Rating: / 5
If you have concerns with gambling, there is help available:
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline
CAMH: Child, Youth and Emerging Adult Service
416-535-8501, press 2
For additional resources and more information about this video, please go to: Video Rating: / 5
Please watch: “Caribic Casino Review and Bonus Information”
An overview and information concerning the UK Gambling Commission ( UKGC ) and what protection they afford online casino players, playing at their licensees.
For more information concerning the UKGC please visit:
For further information concerning the licensing jurisdictions where online casinos operate from please visit:
This video is first of several planned videos covering the various licensing authorities for online casinos.
I hope you have found this video a good and informative resource. Should you have any questions, please comment below and as usual I will and do respond to all and any comments.
Animation by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther (
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Special thanks to Patreon supporters
Alec Watson, Andrew J Thom, Braam Snyman, Bryan Yip, Chris Allen, Chris Barker, Connor J Smith, Daddy Donald, Etienne Dechamps, Eyal Matsliah, Hank Green, Harry Hendel, James Hughes, James McIntosh, John & Becki, Johnston, Keith Bopp, Kelly J Knight, Ken Lee, KyQuan, Phong, manoj kasyap govindaraju, Plinio Correa, Qui Le, Robin Pulkkinen, Sheldon Zhao, Simen Nerleir, Tim Robinson Tweets by YongYea
– John Nguyen
– FreedTerror
– Michael Shuler
– Vin Giorgio
– BobaFett912
– Alaryyn
– Joe Hunt
– Peter Vrba
– Time Dragonlord
– Zach Ansley
– Jonathan Ball
– Alex Moretti
– Michael Redmond
– Kyle Crawford
– Mitchell Mason
– Michael P. Reid
– Jake Betts
– PrismatDragoon
– Darien Cunningham
– Mark Taylor
– Nezzalonius
– TheBritSniper
– Theron Webb
– Abdulaziz al Senaidi
– Gerardo Andrade
– Phoenix X Maximus
– BattleBladeWar Video Rating: / 5
Watch Digital Marketing Tutorial (2018) Edition
⤷ – Digital Marketing Orientation Session – Learn the Fundamental Concepts of Digital Marketing. In this session, you will learn about the basic concepts, strategies, benefits, and goals in digital marketing. Like, Comment and Share the video with friends!
Digital Marketing Tutorial in Hindi
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is a marketing approach to target the audience using the Internet. Any users connected with laptops, smartphones, smart TV or tabs are considered as a digital audience, whom we reach with Digital Marketing.
Trainer: Mohammed Azharuddin is Founder of Web Trainings Academy. He has 11+ Years of Experience in Digital Marketing.
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Please Ask Questions in Comments, I will respond to queries.
Complete Digital Marketing Video Program:
Have you ever wondered how to effectively use Internet Marketing to build your Network Marketing Business? Well, you’re in luck! Today, I’m breaking down for you step-by-step what I’m currently doing to create massive engagement, leads and sales.
So many people have asked me how I use Internet Marketing to build my Network Marketing business, so I had to take the time to put this resource together.
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Currently we’re the #3 Recruiters in our Company out of 316,000 active Global Reps so we must be doing something right! Let me break it down for you what we do to create that success.
Most likely, you’re already posting about your business on Social Media. Social Media has quickly become a popular avenue to use to get information out about your business.
You want to make sure you are doing this right because you want to present yourself as a Professional Marketer and you want to avoid coming across as salesy or spammy.
Most people are directing their audience from Social Media to their Company replicated websites and, to be honest, that was not generating a whole lot of business for me when I did that in the beginning. It’s ok if you’re currently doing this, but there’s actually a much better way to guide your audience and track their interest in what you have to offer.
The last thing any Network Marketer wants is to have their Prospects Googling their Company before they receive all the information properly. You loose all control if this happens.
What I Do Now to Build My Network Marketing Business Online
Instead of my Social Media posts leading to a generic Company replicated website, I now post great value on my Social Media accounts and then I direct everyone to my Blog.
My Blog controls my traffic.
My About page lets my audience learn more about me and get to know me, my Products page shows the many products I offer and promote, and my Blog gives TONS of value and establishes credibility with them.
A Blog builds you up as an Authority and gives you Credibility even if you don’t have success yet. If you have a Blog, your audience perceives you differently. They see you as a Credible Leader. Don’t Have a Blog Yet? Check this out!
How To Capture Your Prospects Info
Once you have someone on your Blog, you need to have a way to let them request more information from you.
If you’re not using a Lead Capture System in your business yet, you’re leaving a lot of opportunities on the table. I talk about My favorite Lead Capture Page System in the FREEBIE Download. This is a tool I use everyday in my business and it’s made me a lot of money.
Offer Tons Of Value
One training I really love is Vince Reed: My Internet Traffic System. This is a great system if you don’t have any of your own products or trainings created, you can use this system to create that multiple stream of income for the people that say no to your business opportunity, but might just be looking for training that you can help them with.
It’s all about capitalizing on your ability to Help People and the best way to do that is to put yourself in front of them with your Blog, follow up with them, and say “How Can I Help You?” and then give them the Opportunities and Services that will help them with what they want.
My Free Internet Marketing MAP for Network Marketers Cheat Sheet
By directing my traffic in this way, the world has changed for us. When we talk to people about our Network Marketing Business, we have more people that are interested in what we have, our Products, our Services, and our Opportunity.
AND our prospects sign up with us FASTER than ever before!
I put together a great resource that you can download for free, print out and see exactly how I attract and move my prospects through my world.
From total stranger to ‘Thank You for your business’ or ‘Welcome to the Team!’
Grab your FREE copy of my Internet Marketing MAP for Network Marketers Video Rating: / 5
My Keynote Talk in Hamburg on 3/3/2017 at the Online Marketing Rockstars in Germany.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 5 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.
Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.
Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary will be a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;).
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Il 99% dei miei contenuti è GRATIS.
Produco da anni migliaia di video, decine di interviste con personaggi italiani e stranieri, faccio eventi gratuiti ogni volta che posso e il mio videocorso è gratis per tutti i licei e le università italiane.
Faccio del mio meglio per produrre qualcosa di valido, sapendo di non essere nembo kid e provo a dare il mio contributo alla divulgazione delle opportunità del digitale (con senso critico e possibilmente cum grano salis come diceva la mia prof credo di latino…).
Spero davvero che tra tutti questi contenuti ci sia qualche spunto utile per qualcuno. Tutto qui.
L’1% dei contenuti è invece a pagamento dentro al nuovo Monty Breakfast Club, che è pensato soltanto per chi vuole aggiornarsi su come comunicare/fare business grazie all’online (a.k.a. per riuscire a far meno cag*are online 😉 in modo organizzato e strutturato.
Qui se ti interessa qui le info Video Rating: / 5
💰 My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online – Click Here Now ➡️ ➡️ ➡️
Hey guys, welcome back to another money making video! In this one I’m showing you How to EARN PER GOOGLE SEARCH (MAKE MONEY ONLINE)
If you want to make money online and make Google money, then watch this video! I show you exactly how to earn money online just by searching Google using this one website.
They give you a search query, then it’s your job to research that search query by searching Google and coming back with an answer.
Watch the entire video to find out all you need to know about this online job and start making money online today with Google!
If you want to learn how to make a full time passive income online and start your own online business from home in 2019, check my number 1 recommendation at the top of the description!
Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to stay up to date and learn new ways to make money online!
Affiliate Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you.
#GoogleMoney #MakeMoneyOnline #MakeMoneyWithGoogle Video Rating: / 5
How to Make for 60 Seconds of Work Literally Just Drawing Lines!
✅ Click to Make Money NOW –
🤑 Top 5 Ways to Make Money for Only –
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If you’re interested in making money online from the comfort of your home, check out this new strategy involving a website called clipping magic, where you can easily remove backgrounds from photos or pictures in literally seconds.
I go in depth and step by step on how to easily monetize this skill, with using websites like fiverr, upwork, facebook, google, and youtube to sell your skillset to people who need this service. You can make hundreds of dollars a day using this strategy. It is an easy way to work from home online and make a full time income.
I teach this strategy in a few of my courses, as people always need backgrounds removed from images, and sites like Amazon actually require it in order to sell products on their platform.
I hope you guys enjoy this method of making money online. 2019 is a great year to start your own business working from home, and this is an excellent strategy to get you going!
Ninja PodCast:
Passive Income:
Amazon FBA:
Facebook Ads:
Shopify Dropshipping:
Digital Course Secrets:
Kevin David Affiliate Program:
FBA Ninjas:
ECOM Ninjas:
Digital Course Ninjas:
ClickFunnels Ninjas:
The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.
#KevinDavid #HowToMakeMoneyOnline #PassiveIncome Video Rating: / 5
Indipendentemente che tu sia un imprenditore o un giovane che vuole guadagnare con internet, quando ti avvicini al mondo digital, prima o poi, entrerai in contatto con parole come web marketing, seo, sito web, advertising e lead generation.
Nella teoria si tratta di concetti di semplice comprensione ma, soprattutto se sei un novellino e la tua principale fonte di apprendimento è internet, non è mai del tutto chiara la risposta ad domanda molto semplice: NELLA PRATICA, DA DOVE È MEGLIO INIZIARE? Quale di questi strumenti del web marketing sono più adatti ai tuoi obiettivi?
In questo video sfaterò alcuni dei miti più comuni sul web marketing e vi darò alcuni consigli per aiutare a comprendere a cosa servono davvero e come utilizzare la seo, la lead generation, l’advertising, i social media etc…
Fatemi sapere se vi è stato utile, ma soprattutto scrivete in un commento che cosa vi piacerebbe approfondire insieme nel prossimo video!
Segui Gianluigi Ballarani sui social:
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+ Podcast: Video Rating: / 5
Learn From My Millionaire Marketing Mentor –
The First Rule in Marketing Anything is that nobody cares what you think. Most people don’t take the time to learn how to sell things by identifying what people ACTUALLY want. Use this key fact about people to your advantage, make all the marketing about them. I’ve been running my business this way for years now, creating and selling products around those wants and desires. I’ve made a lot of money with this secret, and someone I look to who’s also made a lot doing this is my friend Adrian Morrison. Over the last year built a brand new business around the idea of rapidly testing things to sell online. You need to learn Adrian’s strategy. It’s honestly never been easier to build out your own product testing system like his, and what’s great is he’s actually put together a book on exactly how he does it.
Get Adrian Morrison’s eBook –
Tai receives a commission if you buy from Adrian Morrison.
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